Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Weekends

Traveling on the weekends has been the best part of my trip so far. I have gotten to see so much! Unfortunately, there isn't a ton to do where I'm living because I'm in a suburb of Guayaquil. On a positive note, it's definitely more safe and I'm loving living with a family, but sometimes I feel a little secluded. But, I make up for it on the weekends!! This weekend was great! Friday night I went to a soccer game and it is an understatement to say Ecuadoreans love soccer. The game started at 8:30pm, but I had to arrive at 4:30pm. It was a whole event! Sometimes the games can actually get dangerous because the fans are so passionate and competitive. But, my host-dad explained to me exactly where to sit, so I had no problems. It was so much fun! It was a cultural experience for sure.

Saturday turned into an adventure! I wanted to go to the beach, so I took a bus, but missed my stop. I ended up in a small fishing village! Somehow I found a little boat that took me out to a private island.  The people who lived on the island were so friendly and they made me a fish lunch! The day did not go the way I planned, but it turned out to be one of my favorite days here so far.  It was such a good feeling to know that I can figure my way around in a foreign place speaking another language. It was an awesome day!

Dolphin spotting! 


  1. It must have been amazing to be in that soccer stadium!

  2. This is so great, I am Ecuadorian and currently attend Saint Mikes. I was there during the summe to visit family.If you get a chance visit Esmeraldas. It is completely different from the rest of Ecuador.

    1. Karen- I heard Esmeraldas is awesome! I hope to be able to travel there!
